I spent the last 6 months focused on areas that 80BREAKR pointed out. The Game Improvement Mode told me what needed the most work: putting, chipping, & pitching. This was new to me, as I usually would go straight to the range to hit a few irons and a bunch with the driver, then call it a day. Approaching the other shot types first, and figuring out what to change gave me a new perspective on my driver swing.
I’ve been itching to tackle my driver swing, and finally now I’m ready. Here are my typical results from a while back. I needed to tackle pitching, chipping, and putting first because these were my biggest problem areas. After I put a lot of work towards these areas, I could focus all my attention on my driver swing. As you’ll see below, there were a bunch of “OK” drives and the occasional “Bad” drive. I never used to slice the ball, but now I find myself doing this on occasion and it’s very frustrating. A lifetime of drawing the ball makes it feel even worse.
Here’s an article that suggests changing bad habits (like my driver swing) is best accomplished with sequential small changes. Here’s a golf article that also echos that small changes are a lot easier to implement.
I can look at the 80BREAKR app and see what went wrong with my “Bad” drives. I typically have 3 types of drives: the occasional big slice, the mostly faded short drive, and the once per round big pull. Here is a stats snapshot of my driver performance using 80BREAKR’s Game Improvement Mode stats feature.

Typical Driver Performance: not too long, mostly right, had to fix having 3 putts with 1 pitch on a single hole first!
Now what I wanted to do, is see if I could find somewhat minor changes in my driver swing to mainly keep the ball in play. Not that I want to have a pro swing, but are there keys to a good swing that I’m doing substantially different? Are there some that might be easier to implement? I don’t have the time or inclination to overhaul my swing, I just want some improvement. Let’s look at my backswing with the driver.
Now how about the top of the back swing?
How about downswing?
What about impact?
Ok, lots to look at on the range. What can be adjusted in small pieces to give me the biggest bang with the smallest adjustment? I’ll go to the range and see what I can figure out!
Next post: Fix the driver swing Part II: What changes make sense for me to keep drives in play?
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